This house had been pointed in cement and the gable in particular was suffering extensive damage. We repointed various elevations and rebuilt a leaking chimney.
Work in Progress
The cement pointing has been removed and the stone replacements are underway. Note the small window has been removed for repair.
The stone replacements and lime pointing are complete and the window replaced. It is apparent that the roof line has been raised at some point.
Before work started. The wall has suffered from damp and the lintel above the back door is insufficient.
The elevation has been repointed and the lintel above the back door has been replaced. A rainwater hopper is installed into the downpipe to improve drainage.
Chimney Rebuild
The chimney was in poor condition and was built in hard engineering bricks which do not allow moisture to evaporate.
The new chimney is built in traditional bricks and lime mortar with a lead tray.